Snijder&CO on Houzz

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Our hand-painted wallpaper featuring in a portrait by Saskia Wagenvoort

(c) saskia wagenvoort, 2015
Our handpainted wallpaper is featuring in a stitched portrait by Saskia Wagenvoort - taking with us to Brazil for our exhibition at 'Village Arte Decor' - in Bairro Monte Alegre Piracicaba/SP 16 oct - 29 nov - 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Snijder&CO - Wallpaper in Brazil

Estamos super orgulhosos! Snijder&Co chega ao Brasil!
Fabricados e distribuidos pela branco. do grupo Bobinex os papéis de parede da Snijder&CO estão a venda em todo o país através do portal!

more info:

We are very proud! Snijder&Co arrives in Brazil!
Produced en distributed by branco. (Bobinex Group) the wallpapers from Snijder&CO are now available in the whole country!